How to create your signature
How to create your signature

Select your pen width and your pen color.In order to capture a signature with Signature Maker, you’ll need to do the following: No downloads, installations, or signups are required. Signature Makerįor what company sizes: Small to medium-size businesses.Īnother fast and easy-to-use tool, Signature Maker allows you to create a handwritten signature directly from any modern web browser, like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Simply upload the document, follow the onscreen instructions, and drag your handwritten signature anywhere inside the document. CreateMySignature doesn’t keep your signature on file, so you don’t need to worry about someone capturing and reusing your personal signature.ĬreateMySignature also allows you to electronically sign PDF documents. You can upload this signature file to documents when prompted or drag-and-drop it into files for easy placement. Select “ Download” to download your signature image.ĬreateMySignature will deliver your signature in a PNG format, which is perfect for document placement.Use your touchscreen or mouse to draw a new signature.

how to create your signature

To get a new, personal signature, here’s what you need to do:

how to create your signature

Because it’s a cloud-based system, you’ll never need to download or install anything. This is an easy-to-use tool that works on your mobile devices as well as your desktop and laptop. We’ve talked about CreateMySignature before on our blog. Operating system: Mac, Windows, Linux, mobile. Time to create one signature: Less than a minute. CreateMySignatureįor what company sizes: Small- to medium-size businesses. Here is our list of online signature tools that you can use to generate your own signature in seconds. While digital signatures may be faster and more secure, they often lack the personal touch that you experience when signing a piece of paper.įortunately, there are a number of great services out there that allow you to create a handwritten signature for online use in just a few seconds. Without a doubt, electronic signatures are faster and more secure than traditional, handwritten signatures.

how to create your signature

  • Add a personal touch with a handwritten signature.
  • Remember: A signature image isn’t a digital signature.

  • How to create your signature